Helping My Back

I hope everyone is staying safe and conscious!

With all these constant health topics, I’ve been paying more attention to my body and it’s needs. I’ve always been health conscious, but there are certain things that we simply ignore.

I’m in my late 20’s; however, I already have a small spot of arthritis on my back. Long story short… I did very heavy lifting while doing some yard work about 2 summers ago. The pain came and never left. After seeing my doctor, and getting X-rays, I was told it’s arthritis.

There’s nothing I can really do to help it, except keeping a good posture and going about my day with balance. My doctor told me that working out/walking would help with the pain; but my pain actually gets worse after a workout. The same happens in the opposite end – if I spend all day sitting on my butt, the pain gets worse. Through trial and error, I noticed that the pain gets better when I have a day that it’s balanced: the right amount of activity, but not overdoing it.

Some days the pain gets worse, so I noticed that getting a massage or even putting heat on it makes it feel so much better.

I wanted something that would help with my back while feeing comfortable, and that’s where I came across Geniani XXL heating pad.

One thing that I like about it is how affordable it is. I wanted something that would work straight to the point without breaking my bank. The heating pad is large enough to warm up my entire back. The heating settings are comfortable and soothing without being too hot or overwhelming. At the same time, I’m cold most of the time, so I like that apart from helping with the pain, it also keeps me warm. This has 3 heating settings and comes with auto shut off, which is great at keeping us safe.

This was a great find and I think you should check it out!